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web3.js Plugin Developer Guide

This guide intends to provide the necessary context for developing plugins for web3.js.


To provide type safety and IntelliSense for your plugin users, please refer to the Setting Up Module Augmentation section for how to augment the Web3Context module to enable typing features for your plugin.

Plugin Dependencies

At the minimum, your plugin should depend on the 4.x version of web3-core. This will allow your plugin class to extend the provided Web3PluginBase abstract class. However, web3-core shouldn't be listed as a regular dependency, instead it should be listed in your plugin's package.json as a peer dependency:

"name": "web3-plugin-custom-rpc-methods",
"version": "0.1.0",
"peerDependencies": {
"web3-core": ">= 4.0.1-alpha.0 < 5"

When your users install your plugin, this will allow the package manager to make use of the user installed web3-core if available and if the version satisfies the version constraints instead of installing it's own version of web3-core.

Extending Web3PluginBase

Your plugin class should extend the Web3PluginBase abstract class. This class extends Web3Context and when the user registers your plugin with a class, your plugin's Web3Context will point to the module's Web3Context giving your plugin access to things such as user configured requestManager and accountProvider.

import { Web3PluginBase } from 'web3-core';

export class CustomRpcMethodsPlugin extends Web3PluginBase { ... }

Extending Web3EthPluginBase

In addition to Web3PluginBase, you can choose to extend Web3EthPluginBase which will provide the Ethereum JSON RPC API interface, which packages such as Web3Eth use, as a generic to your plugin's requestManager, giving it type support for the Ethereum JSON RPC spec. This would be the recommended approach if your plugin makes Ethereum JSON RPC calls directly to a provider using web3's provided requestManager.

import { Web3EthPluginBase } from 'web3-core';

export class CustomRpcMethodsPlugin extends Web3EthPluginBase { ... }


After extending the Web3PluginBase class, your plugin will need a public pluginNamespace property that configures how your plugin will be accessed on the class your plugin was registered with. In the following example, the pluginNamespace is set to customRpcMethods, so when the user registers the plugin they will access your plugin as follows:

The following represents your plugin code:

// custom_rpc_methods_plugin.ts
import { Web3PluginBase } from 'web3-core';

export class CustomRpcMethodsPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
public pluginNamespace = 'customRpcMethods';

public someMethod() {
return 'someValue';

The following represents the plugin user's code:

// registering_a_plugin.ts
import { Web3Context } from 'web3-core';

import { CustomRpcMethodsPlugin } from './custom_rpc_methods_plugin';

const web3Context = new Web3Context('');
web3Context.registerPlugin(new CustomRpcMethodsPlugin());

await web3Context.customRpcMethods.someMethod();

Using the Inherited Web3Context

Below is an example of CustomRpcMethodsPlugin making use of this.requestManager which will have access to an Ethereum provider if one was configured by the user. In the event that no provider was set by the user, the below code will throw a ProviderError if customRpcMethod was to be called:

import { Web3PluginBase } from 'web3-core';

export class CustomRpcMethodsPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
public pluginNamespace = 'customRpcMethods';

public async customRpcMethod() {
return this.requestManager.send({
method: 'custom_rpc_method',
params: [],

Below depicts a plugin user's code that does not configure an Ethereum provider, resulting in a thrown ProviderError when calling customRpcMethod:

// registering_a_plugin.ts
import { Web3Context } from 'web3-core';

import { CustomRpcMethodsPlugin } from './custom_rpc_methods_plugin';

const web3Context = new Web3Context();
web3Context.registerPlugin(new CustomRpcMethodsPlugin());

// The following would result in a thrown ProviderError when
// the plugin attempts to call this.requestManager.send(...)
await web3Context.customRpcMethods.customRpcMethod();

Thrown ProviderError:

ProviderError: Provider not available. Use `.setProvider` or `.provider=` to initialize the provider.

Providing an API Generic to Web3PluginBase

If needed, you can provide an API type (that follows the Web3ApiSpec pattern) as a generic to Web3PluginBase that will add type hinting to the requestManager when developing your plugin. In the below code, this is the CustomRpcApi type that's being passed as Web3PluginBase<CustomRpcApi>

import { Web3PluginBase } from 'web3-core';

type CustomRpcApi = {
custom_rpc_method_with_parameters: (parameter1: string, parameter2: number) => string;

export class CustomRpcMethodsPlugin extends Web3PluginBase<CustomRpcApi> {
public pluginNamespace = 'customRpcMethods';

public async customRpcMethodWithParameters(parameter1: string, parameter2: number) {
return this.requestManager.send({
method: 'custom_rpc_method_with_parameters',
params: [parameter1, parameter2],

Using web3.js Packages within Your Plugin

There currently exists an issue with certain web3.js packages not correctly linking their Web3Context with the context of the class the user has registered the plugin with. As mentioned in the issue, this can result in a bug where a plugin instantiates an instance of Contract (from web3-eth-contract) and attempts to call a method on the Contract instance (which uses the requestManager to make a call to the Ethereum provider), resulting in a ProviderError even though the plugin user has set a provider and it should be available to the plugin.

A workaround for this issue is available, below is an example of it:

import { Web3Context, Web3PluginBase } from 'web3-core';
import { ContractAbi } from 'web3-eth-abi';
import Contract from 'web3-eth-contract';
import { Address, DataFormat, DEFAULT_RETURN_FORMAT } from 'web3-types';
import { format } from 'web3-utils';

import { ERC20TokenAbi } from './ERC20Token';

export class ContractMethodWrappersPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
public pluginNamespace = 'contractMethodWrappersPlugin';

private readonly _contract: Contract<typeof ERC20TokenAbi>;

public constructor(abi: ContractAbi, address: Address) {
this._contract = new Contract(abi, address);

* This method overrides the inherited `link` method from
* `Web3PluginBase` to add a configured `RequestManager`
* to the Contract instance when `Web3.registerPlugin`
* is called.
* @param parentContext - The context to be added to the instance of `ChainlinkPlugin`,
* and by extension, the instance of `Contract`.
public link(parentContext: Web3Context) {;;

public async getFormattedBalance<ReturnFormat extends DataFormat>(
address: Address,
returnFormat?: ReturnFormat,
) {
return format(
{ eth: 'unit' },
await this._contract.methods.balanceOf(address).call(),

The workaround is overwriting the inherited link method (inherited from Web3PluginBase which inherits it from Web3Context) and explicitly calling .link on the Contract instance. The parentContext will get passed when the user calls registerPlugin, it will be the context of the class the user is registering your plugin with.

The following is the workaround, and will probably need to be done for any instantiated web3.js package your plugin uses that makes use of Web3Context:

public link(parentContext: Web3Context) {;
// This workaround will ensure the context of the Contract
// instance is linked to the context of the class the
// plugin user is registering the plugin with;

Setting Up Module Augmentation

In order to provide type safety and IntelliSense for your plugin when it's registered by the user, you must augment the Web3Context module. In simpler terms, you will be making TypeScript aware that you are modifying the interface of Web3Context, and any class that extends it, to include the interface of your plugin (i.e. your plugin's added methods, properties, etc.). A good tutorial that further explains the topic can be found here.

A Quick Disclaimer

The registerPlugin method exists on the Web3Context class, so any class that extends Web3Context has the ability to add your plugin's additional functionality to its interface. By augmenting Web3Context to include your plugin's interface, you're essentially providing a blanket augmentation that adds your plugin's interface to all Web3 modules that extend Web3Context (i.e. web3, web3-eth, web3-eth-contract, etc.).


By augmenting Web3Context (and by extension all class interfaces that extend it), your plugin's interface will show up in things like IntelliSense for all Web3 modules that extend Web3Context, even if your plugin isn't registered - This is something worth making your users aware of, as they'll only be able to use your plugin if they register it with a Web3 class instance using .registerPlugin

For context, here is an example of your plugin's interface showing up in IntelliSense even though your plugin hasn't been registered (the code in this example is further explained in the subsequent sections):

// custom_rpc_methods_plugin.ts
import { Web3PluginBase } from 'web3-core';

import { Web3Context } from './reexported_web3_context';

export class CustomRpcMethodsPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
public pluginNamespace = 'customRpcMethods';

public someMethod() {
return 'someValue';

// Module Augmentation
declare module './reexported_web3_context' {
interface Web3Context {
customRpcMethods: CustomRpcMethodsPlugin;

export { Web3Context };

The following represent what your plugin users would see:

web3 context augmentation

The above screenshot shows IntelliSense thinking .customRpcMethods.someMethod is available to call on the instance of Web3, even though the plugin user hasn't registered CustomRpcMethodsPlugin - running this code would result in an error.

Re-exporting Web3Context

Currently TypeScript's module augmentation only supports named exports, so the first step in augmenting Web3Context is to re-export it as a named export. To do this you're going to create a reexported_web3_context.ts file (the name of this file can be whatever you prefer, but for the sake of this guide, it's going to be assumed it's named reexported_web3_context.ts and is located within the same directory as the custom_rpc_methods_plugin.ts file). The file contents should be as follows:

// reexported_web3_context.ts
import { Web3Context } from 'web3-core';

export { Web3Context };

Re-declaring the Module

Now you're going to tell TypeScript that you're interested in re-defining a module's (in this case reexported_web3_context) interface. In simpler terms, TypeScript is already aware of what methods and classes exist for each web3.js module, but when registering a plugin, you're adding additional methods and/or classes to the module's interface and TypeScript needs a little help understanding what's going to be available within the module after the plugin is registered.

// custom_rpc_methods_plugin.ts
import { Web3PluginBase } from 'web3-core';

// Here the re-exported Web3Context from
// the previous section is being imported
import { Web3Context } from './reexported_web3_context';

export class CustomRpcMethodsPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
public pluginNamespace = 'customRpcMethods';

public someMethod() {
return 'someValue';

// Here is the declaration to TypeScript that you are
// augmenting the imported module (i.e. ./reexported_web3_context)
declare module './reexported_web3_context' {...}

Adding Your Plugin's Interface

Now that TypeScript is aware that the interface of the reexport_web3_context module is going to be augmented, you can add your plugin's interface. In this case, you're adding the interface of CustomRpcMethodsPlugin to the interface of Web3Context which is what the plugin-user is going to be calling .registerPlugin on:

// custom_rpc_methods_plugin.ts
import { Web3PluginBase } from 'web3-core';

import { Web3Context } from './reexport_web3_context';

export class CustomRpcMethodsPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
public pluginNamespace = 'customRpcMethods';

public someMethod() {
return 'someValue';

declare module './reexported_web3_context.ts' {
// Here is where you're adding your plugin's
// interface to the interface of Web3Context
interface Web3Context {
customRpcMethods: CustomRpcMethodsPlugin;

The property name (i.e. pluginNamespace), customRpcMethods in

customRpcMethods: CustomRpcMethodsPlugin;

MUST be the same as the pluginNamespace set by the plugin.

import { Web3PluginBase } from 'web3-core';

export class CustomRpcMethodsPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
public pluginNamespace = 'customRpcMethods';


This is because .registerPlugin will use the pluginNamespace property provided by the plugin as the property name when it registers the plugin with the class instance you call .registerPlugin on:

const web3 = new Web3('');
web3.registerPlugin(new CustomRpcMethodsPlugin());
// Now customRpcMethods (i.e. the pluginNamespace) is available
// on the instance of Web3

Exporting The Augmented Web3Context

Lastly, you just need to export the augmented Web3Context by adding the following after the module re-declaration:

export { Web3Context };

The full code example is as follows:

// custom_rpc_methods_plugin.ts
import { Web3PluginBase } from 'web3-core';

import { Web3Context } from './custom_rpc_methods_plugin';

export class CustomRpcMethodsPlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
public pluginNamespace = 'customRpcMethods';

public someMethod() {
return 'someValue';

declare module './custom_rpc_methods_plugin.ts' {
interface Web3Context {
customRpcMethods: CustomRpcMethodsPlugin;

// Here is where you are exporting your augmented Web3Context
export { Web3Context };