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Plugin User Guide

This guide intends to provide the necessary context for registering plugins with web3.js packages.

Installing the Plugin

Unless otherwise mentioned by the plugin author, installing a plugin should be as simple as yarn add plugin-name. This should add the plugin as a dependency within your package.json and the plugin should be available to import within your code.

"name": "your-package-name",
"version": "0.0.1",
"dependencies": {
"web3-plugin": "0.1.0"

Registering the Plugin

The .registerPlugin method is what you're going to be using to add a plugin to an instance of a class sourced from web3.js' modules (i.e. Web3 or Web3Eth). This method only exists on classes that extend Web3Context, so it may not be available on every class you import from a Web3.js package.

The following is an example of registering the plugin SimplePlugin onto an instance of Web3:

import { Web3PluginBase } from 'web3-core';

export class SimplePlugin extends Web3PluginBase {
public pluginNamespace = 'simplePlugin';

public simpleMethod() {
return 'simpleValue';
import Web3 from 'web3';
import SimplePlugin from 'web3-plugin';

const web3 = new Web3('');
web3.registerPlugin(new SimplePlugin());
